The Whistlers (2019)
The Whistlers (2019)
Released: 13 Sep 2019
Runtime: 96 Mins
Genre: Drama Comedy Thriller Crime Countries: France Germany Romania Sweden Languages: English Romanian Spanish
Directed By: Corneliu Porumboiu Andrei Hazi Barbu Ingrid Cristea
Actors: Catrinel Marlon Vlad Ivanov Rodica Lazăr Sabin Tambrea Antonio Buíl Agustí Villaronga István Téglás George Pistereanu Julieta Szönyi Cristóbal Pinto David Agranov Andrei Popescu
Internal: English
Alternate Titles: la gomera the passenger svilpotāji
A Romanian police officer, determined to free from prison a crooked businessman who knows where a mobster’s money is hidden, must learn the difficult ancestral whistling language (Silbo Gomero) used on the island of Gomera.
File Size: 2.41 GB
Duration: 1:34:58
Resolution: 1024×428